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What Is The Arduino?

In this article, we will give basic information about Arduino.

Have you ever wanted or tried to learn the software before? Yes, learning software is a long task and there are many paths to the goal on this path, but the main issue is how you can learn more easily. I have good news for those who are interested in software, those who have started and quit, or those who know the software and want to use it. With the platform that I will talk about shortly, you can deal with software and electronics and easily produce new things.

Although electronics and software seem to be different from each other, Arduino has collected these two engineering branches under the same roof.

Arduino is an open-source software and hardware platform. It is a microcontroller-based development board created by an Italian company and has a very important place in the electronics world today.

Open source; They are resources that have been shared by the manufacturer company as circuit diagrams, codes, libraries, etc., as all reviews. So what are the advantages it gives us?

  • You can manufacture and sell your own cards as software and hardware information is accessible.

  • Clone models can be produced at lower costs.

With Arduino, you can easily code with basic software knowledge and make and develop projects for hobby, educational or professional purposes without the need for advanced electronics knowledge.

You can also do more advanced projects such as drones, robots, smart home automation, burglar alarm systems, and parking sensors in this adventure, which we will start by flashing LEDs. It all depends on the parts you have and your creativity.

Arduino is a control board and can be used in a wide range of projects from basic to advanced.

With Arduino, you can receive information from sensors and process this information in various ways. You can also develop your project by printing out parts such as the motor, led, and buzzer. You can control many electronic parts by connecting them to Arduino. Only basic knowledge of programming is sufficient for this. The level of electronics and programming knowledge required will increase as your projects progress.

Arduino has produced many models according to the needs of our projects. The size and smallness of your application; We can choose any of these types according to the number of pins and the purpose of use. Examples of these are Arduino Uno, Arduino DUE, Arduino Esplora, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Mega, Arduino LilyPad, Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino Mini, Arduino Nano, anD Arduino Pro. The most popular and most preferred among these models is the Arduino Uno model. All these models are cards that are customized in certain areas with microcontrollers.

All Arduino models use the same software language and libraries.

Let's give information about a few of the most popular models without going into too much technical information. You can find detailed articles and web information about each model.


Arduino Uno is the most preferred among all these boards for beginners. This card, which has an Atmega128 microcontroller, has 14 digital and 6 analog pins. This card, which has 3.3v and 5v outputs, provides advantages to users as it has the opportunity to use the power supply in many ways. You can also read the article where we explain Arduino Uno in detail.


Although Arduino Nano is similar to Uno in terms of features, it makes a difference because it is smaller than Uno. This card, which is highly preferred by users who want to do small projects, is almost the same as Uno with its pin number and distribution. One of the features that makes it different from the others is that it is used with the help of a breadboard, while another difference is that it is programmed with micro USB.


Arduino Mega has a larger structure than Uno. It is designed for use in advanced projects that require more pins. This board, which has more pins than Uno, has an Atmega2560 microcontroller. Arduino Mega has 54 digital and 15 analog pins.


Arduino Pro Mini has 14 digital and 8 analog pins. An important thing to know about the Pro Mini is that we do not have the option to program with USB. You can use a USB-serial converter or another Arduino to program the board. In order to have a very small and thin design, you can use this product, which comes without soldered pins, with the headers it comes with, or you can directly solder your cables on it.


LilyPad is a wearable technology product specially developed by Arduino. This card is designed to be sewn on fabrics and can be washed when you meet the necessary conditions. This card, which has 14 digital and 6 analog pins in the same way as the Uno, has an Atmega328 processor.

Hope to see you in another article :)



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